Wednesday, September 12, 2012

[Giveaway /PC] BatchMarker

You work so hard to produce visually compelling photos and images, and you want to show them off on your online gallery, blog, or other website. But, more than anyone else, you know how easy it is for people to just right-click your photos, save them, and use them for their own purposes. They agree with you - your work is fabulous, but they're going to take all of the credit, with nary an acknowledgement or dollar sent your way. It's time to protect your work, quickly and easily, with today's discount software promotion, BatchMarker!

BatchMarker lets you add visual logos or text watermarks to all of your photos, protecting them from theft and unauthorized use. With BatchMarker, you can add copyright, trademark, watermark, or any other identifying images to all of your photos in just a few clicks. Best of all, you have full control over the type, size, and transparency of your marks, so you can be as subtle or as IN YOUR FACE with your brand as you want. BatchMarker even offers smart resizing, so after setting the size and position of your watermark on one image, it will appear properly sized across all images, no matter how large or small your other images are. If you opt to add a logo, you'll be happy to know that all shadows and translucent bits are preserved across all images. As a bonus, you can import and save images in a variety of popular file formats.

If you're in a position to frequently apply watermarks to your images, BatchMarker makes life a lot easier thanks to the ability to save watermarks as templates. And if a text or graphical watermark isn't enough for you (because you're afraid they'll get cropped out), you can even use BatchMarker to add thin lines that cross the image, providing yet another safeguard against illegal use!

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